Creating an interactive chart that combines maximum daily temperature, percipitation, date, type of weather and allows interactive filtering.
November 15, 2022
import altair as altfrom vega_datasets import dataimport pandas as pdsource = data.seattle_weather()scale = alt.Scale(domain=['sun', 'fog', 'drizzle', 'rain', 'snow'],range=['#e7ba52', '#a7a7a7', '#aec7e8', '#1f77b4', '#9467bd'])color = alt.Color('weather:N', scale=scale)# We create two selections:# - a brush that is active on the top panel# - a multi-click that is active on the bottom panelbrush = alt.selection_interval(encodings=['x'])click = alt.selection_multi(encodings=['color'])# Top panel is scatter plot of temperature vs timepoints = alt.Chart().mark_point().encode( alt.X('monthdate(date):T', title='Date', scale=alt.Scale(domain=[pd.Timestamp(2012, 1, 1), pd.Timestamp(2012, 12, 31)])), alt.Y('temp_max:Q', title='Maximum Daily Temperature (C)', scale=alt.Scale(domain=[-5, 40]) ), color=alt.condition(brush, color, alt.value('lightgray')), size=alt.Size('precipitation:Q', scale=alt.Scale(range=[5, 200]))).properties( width=550, height=300).add_selection( brush).transform_filter( click)# Bottom panel is a bar chart of weather typebars = alt.Chart().mark_bar().encode( x='count()', y='weather:N', color=alt.condition(click, color, alt.value('lightgray')),).transform_filter( brush).properties( width=550,).add_selection( click)alt.vconcat( points, bars, data=source, title="Seattle Weather: 2012-2015")